Friday, September 18, 2009

The Refining Process

All of us have humanistic instincts that pull us away from God. This “handicap”, which is what I affectionately call mine, could take the shape of an addiction, pride, anger, independence, self-pity…and so forth. But God promises to turn what is sinful and ugly into beautiful and whole. Why does He do this when many of us have learned how to “cope”? If the point is to become Christians, why is it necessary to change once we cross over?

One answer may be that God is not satisfied with us just being okay. He loves us too much to leave us that way. His plan was that we live a life full of joy and peace. This peace is not determined by our circumstance or situation, but by knowing that we have a purpose and only in Christ can that purpose be revealed. We cannot predict how that plan will come forth. Personally speaking, I feel that mine is being formed out of my failures. I am not saying that God caused the circumstances for my fall, but in that “face down” position, I was open to accept His grace in FULL, where I might not of otherwise done.

If that seems like a foreign concept, you are not alone. As a childhood Christian, I physically grew but stayed a spiritual infant. I had no idea how to let go of natural desires and “auto-pilot” instincts. But I am learning that the more I focus on Him and His word, the more strength I have to fight off those urges. And as I witness my own transformation slowly take place, my confidence in believing what is unseen strengthens me enough to take my next step in faith. It is often a painful process, but it is well worth every tear.

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