Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Difference Between Waiting Patiently and Stalling?

Have you ever been in a season where you feel like your trying to listen to God, obey His direction, and yet still feel a bit confused to what He's telling you? If you have been walking with Him for a while, you may be quite in tune with the eternal voice of the Holy Spirit. He can clearly prompt and direct everything we are willing to ask Him. For example, I may ask Him the best route for driving, the best outfit to wear that day, the best place to stop and eat for lunch, whether or not I should say aloud what I'm thinking, where in the Bible to turn for today's reading, or whether or not to post something on my Facebook page. The questions can do on and on. It may seem unimportant to some, but for me, those details are what strengthen our relationship. He desires to share in all our everyday experiences and delights in our obedience. It always tickles me when His answer surprises me, which is very often. I usually have my own idea of what I want even before I ask, so when He pushes me to reach for the opposite, or sends me a place I didn't even consider, I think, "no, not really". But I almost always concede and then am pleasantly surprised by how it turns out. I wasn't always that way. It has been a work in progress. In actuality, it was during the greatest season of pain that I learned to trust Him beyond understanding which allows me to be confident enough to follow His lead that precisely.

So that leaves to me where I am now. I have a situation that I have been waiting for Him to intervene in, to show me which path to take or how to proceed. But it feels like a one step forward, two steps back dance. I think He's telling me one thing, then it dead ends into nothing. I'm not exactly sure how to feel. However, the hardest part about this situation is that it doesn't only directly affect me but those I love the most in the world. There is a lot of pressure to find a path but I am so lost as to what I am suppose to do that I do nothing. Then I once again ask myself if its fear holding me back or patience?

I am so thankful that He knows my intentions either way. My heart's greatest desire is to follow His will no matter where it takes me. I know that is the best place to be whether it looks safe or not. Past experience has proven that to be true time and time again. So no matter what, I know His mercies are renewed past the point of my action or in this case, inaction. If it were stubborn defiance, that would be different. If it were something the Bible clearly states to be reason or truth, it would be an issue. But in this case, the one where I am waiting His guidance before stepping out into my own will, I believe He honors that. I believe He will give confirmation when its warranted. I have been reminded of the countless times He gently walked beside me. He could of pushed me, carried me, or left me  behind, but instead  He met me where I was, took my hand, and slowed His pace so I could keep up. That's the kind of God He is. He's gentle, loving, kind, and patient.

He focuses on the end game not only the here and now. Yes, we want things to move along quicker but at what expense? I mean, what if we're not equipped yet and He is waiting for us to be ready. What if He's the one stalling and not us? What if it's in His mercy that things aren't moving at a faster pace? What if it's in His silence that His answer is just "not yet". What are we suppose to do with that? Well I tell you what I'm going to do...I'm going to praise Him in the mist of my wait! I'm going to shout and sing and honor Him for His goodness. I know that in every season there is purpose and He can see far more then I can. I am but a child wanting what I want when I want it. But just as I say "not yet child" in drawing boundaries to protect my own children from things they are not quite ready for, He too puts my needs before my requests. That's what good parents do.

That leads me to this moment where I ask for prayers to have the strength to stay focused on Him and not the uncertainty in my future. To also have those I love SEE this situation as God would have us see it and to tackle it with humility and complete obedience when moving forward. To be confident in where we are and to not second guess one step. To trust that if our heart's desire is to faithfully walk in His calling, that despite the world's viewpoint, waiting on Him is the only move to make here. Cause it is here that we will find He is moving the mountains ahead that are to difficult for us to climb, quipping us with special abilities that surpass our human ability, and a renewed faith as we willing put Him first.     


  1. You're in my prayers, my sweet friend. And again, we find ourselves in the same place, asking for direction and wisdom to know what to do. The answers aren't coming, so we wait, wait on His perfect plan and His perfect timing. Yes, I will praise Him for His goodness and trust Him through the waiting. I love you!

  2. Funny how He always does that right? I think it is in His grace that we find companionship in our pain. Almost like He's saying to us, "Your not alone kid. You need to lift one another up. I know you don't feel like your worth it, but you believe "she" say what you know to be truth to her and then stop and listen for yourself. To me "you" are worth it too. Don't give up. "
