Friday, December 25, 2009

A White Christmas…and I’m Not Talking About The Snow

With all the overwhelming inner changes that have been happening in my life it was impossible to enter into this holiday season just like any other. So my husband and I made the decision to go gift free. That means no gifts from mom and dad and no gifts from “Santa”. We have made slight changes to our routine in the past (like having the eager Hallmark morning scene the day after) but never have we cut gifts out all together. It has been quite an adventure, to say the least, to explain to a four year old the true meaning of Christmas but her heart is so full of truth that I had faith that God would calm the confusion where my words left gaps. I did however worry if my children would feel a little disappointed because I openly admit that I usually go a tad bit overboard when it comes to buying for them. I think somewhere deep inside I felt loved by giving and receiving and even though I would not claim that as my true Love Language (for those who have read Gary Chapman’s book) I had adopted it through years of experience.

It started with a perfect day at home yesterday while we finished watching a trilogy on DVD. Then I ventured out to church for a couple of services while my family stayed at home because my youngest wasn’t feeling her best. Before I knew it, it was almost 8 o’clock and I was making the journey back from Keller to Haslet. (Even though it was a drive I will never forget, I am going to savor that experience between God and I.) As soon as I returned home, my husband left to rescue my mom from a completely different experience while driving on the ice and an hour and a half later, they safely walked through the door. We then ate all the snacks we could get our hands on, played a ridiculously long game of Wha Who, and topped off our evening with the Christmas Story. As I panned the room and saw my children’s eyes glean in the firelight, I couldn’t help but feel so blessed. As the time read 4am, I remembered those late nights I spent wrapping every Christmas Eve in anticipation of their faces as they opened those gifts. It was in that exact instant that I saw a sweeter, softer glow that we were all together; doing something that truly was priceless, and my joy overwhelmed me. As the next morning came, well really early afternoon, we woke them up with a birthday cake for Jesus and hot chocolate for breakfast.

I am so proud of my family. My children, my husband, our closest friends, and my parents all played specific parts in allowing our Christmas to fully be centered on its true meaning. And when I look back to this time, I will cherish every second of it. Even though I am feeling physically under the weather, I am flying pretty high above it spiritually. I realize that everything I have is a gift from the one who sacrificed it all. Everyday I am becoming more and more aware of the treasures I have and so often took for granted. This season I got to witness the best part of my children. Life is hard and is often unfair, but when God’s gifts are recognized, anything is possible.

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