Thursday, September 2, 2010

Is It Okay to Be Scared?

The word FAITH has a quality that automatically stands for trust, assurance, and a peaceful rest that overrides any waiver. So is it right for one to claim to be faithful if the underlining emotion is sometimes frightened?

I believe yes. The emotion of fear is not so wrong, but our reaction to it is what makes all the difference. Our natural state of being relies on what we see, feel, and touch. The world often dictates what that should be, so it is normal to be affected by that response, which inevitably makes us human. However, it is imperative that we continue moving forward from that state of mind into one that puts God into the driver’s seat.

When that shift is made, there is power that extends from knowledge to reality. In other words, a leap of faith is needed before the frightened emotions can subside. We have to believe God’s Word in order to see it come to life. In no way does that change the existence of it, just the sight at which we see it.

God is who He is. Nothing we do will change that. But if we want to live life as it was purposed, we must follow a path that demands more from us. This growth stems from encountering things that scare us. Every situation is different. Every circumstance that is allowed to come into our life is specified to draw out greater strengths then if we had not encountered it. It will be woven into a blanket of other circumstances that will ultimately bring great glory to our Father.

So how do we press on? How do we make it past the steps that feel like they have the power to crush us? How do we focus on the promises instead of the current storm, which we are placed? I know the first response for me is to acknowledge it and its value in my life. To say to Christ (and myself) “I am scared but not scared enough. I will not renounce the power this situation has to be useful in my life”.

As we move into the later stages of time, there is a greater need to not hide from the desires that dwell within. We are bombarded with issues that seek to destroy God’s chosen. We are told to “go forth and make disciples”. Where do you think these disciples will come from? Yes some are found in the churches, but many will be found in the streets. Many are caught up in addiction, pain, depression, and loneliness. Many have been hurt from the rejection of a church. Many long to find a medication that will awaken their soul, but have only found dissatisfaction as their method of escape has only made them fall deeper into their personal pit.

So what do we do? We use our fear to meet people where they are. We expose the lies that the deceiver plants, and help them to see that we, just like them, have been caught in our weakness. We show them the strength that comes from laying everything on the line and choosing God above the fear. We empower them by allowing a candid view of our vulnerable spots so they can draw courage to encounter their own.

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